Weekly Newsletter # 2: Not So Weekly Edition
Second installment of our newsletter. Take a look-back to our posts during the winter holidays of 2023 and the start of 2024.

Despite slowing down a bit on the publishing side, during the holidays season we kept working out the wrinkles and organizing the site both in the front and back ends of it. We hope this work will reflect in a regular publishing schedule of content you enjoy. During this period, we still posted some write-ups that we will feature today:
Our resident Raspberry Pi enthusiast Cheshire shared with us her set-up process for a nifty app that lets us use it as a full-featured macro board. A worthy alternative to spending serious money for a Streamdeck:

Game soundtracks and original scores are one of the most memorable art forms today. And in the case of the music of Supergiant Games' main composer Darren Korb, it has become the driving force behind the stellar works of this successful indie studio. Here you can read a brief career review for one of the most celebrated artists in gaming, and also hear some of the best examples of his work:

The Steam Winter Sale 2023 may be over, but as sure as the Sun rises up every day, we can be certain there will be many others. You can read some of our recommendations here and wishlist them for the next sale:

Our first publication in January was a complete review of Cheshire's live-stream setup. And by complete, we mean seriously getting anyone ready to stream on a rigorously strict budget. If you're thinking of live-streaming, you'll sure find her comprehensive checklist very useful to read:

Our first regular series started with a thorough look at a surprisingly thought-provoking little game full of charisma and personality. If you ever asked yourself how would it be if you were employed as a Grim Reaper, you're in luck because a little Estonian studio speculated on the same thing:

Remember, we're available to chat on our Discord server as well.